30 Mar An Infographic for ABC’s New TV Hit Series Resurrection
Everyone now and then a new TV series comes along that grabs my attention. After watching episode after episode of both the Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead series, I have been waiting for that next big series that will get me hooked — and it has to be done in the first couple of episodes.
Surprising, I have come back down in channels listings (sorry AMC) to the ABC Network’s new TV hit series on Sunday nights titled Resurrection. I highly recommend this new series to everyone and hope that you catch up on either the ABC Network website or, while you can, catch up on all the episodes on Comcast OnDemand. Much like the network’s Lost, the show involves a twisting story of its characters that this time revolves around a rural town in Arcadia, Missouri. I began designing an infographic to visually get a understanding of the story, its characters, and the show’s major turn of events.
Below is the graphic — its not perfect, but after Episode 3 of Resurrection this is what I have been able to compile. If you have any advice or corrections that I missed watching the show, please comment below. I hope to keep this updated for every now episode until the story of Resurrection gets too graphically complex… or until I move onto a new tv series. Until then, enjoy.