25 Apr Front Steps Photoshoot Project

As we continue to live through unprecedented times during COVID-19, we are offering our neighborhood a little joy while doing something we love. That is why we have decided to join the #TheFrontStepsProject.
For the Front Steps Project, we will come to you with our camera and do a quick five-minute photoshoot. Whatever your story is in this moment, gather yourself, your family (and pets) together on your front steps. Come as you are, miss a sport; dress the part or coordinate from head to toe if you so desire!
We are taking social distancing seriously. We will keep our distance and give you the thumbs up when finished.
To schedule a session, click the button below.
You will be emailed a confirmation of your date and time. If there happens to be inclement weather, we will contact you to reschedule.
After the photo session, you will receive one or two digital image(s) via email and will be shared on our social media pages – all we ask is that you like us on our Facebook or Instagram page @tortugacreative. There is no cost to the photo session — it is FREE. Any money offered will be donated to the Lacey Food Bank.
Schedule a Session Lacey Food Bank Donation
Feel free to share this with your neighbors and local friends!

Chris & Jess Connors
Rights for your pictures are shared – meaning Tortuga Creative Services is the owner of these images and may use them on social media outlets such as websites, Instagram, and Facebook for promotional purposes. Your file is yours to keep, print, share with friends, as well as promote on your social media platforms. We just ask that you tag us.